Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still Face Experiment: Dr. Edward Tronick

This video shows the effects of social referencing and how important it is for the baby's socio-emotional development. Getting feedback from the mother is crucial for the baby. The baby is very sensitive to a change in attitude of the mother even in those few minutes. This phenomena has major implications in cases of abuse and neglect, where children are deeply affected by the indifferent or negative attitudes and feelings of their mother, but also father.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why is there humility in philosophy?

Question and Answers in Wikipedia; never thought I would actually use this as a source, but found the topic and answers interesting :) 
Here are six reasons why humility is built into philosophy.

1) We are first and foremost aware that our own arguments may ultimately rest upon certain unproven assumptions.

2) We must listen carefully and attentively to the other party's arguments in order to fully understand the position they are trying to defend.

3) We must acknowledge the weaknesses in our positions once they have been demonstrated and be willing to make concessions.

4) When rebutting our opponents, we must reconstruct their positions as accurately as possible and also be charitable as possible in our interpretations of their arguments.

5) We realize that Truth does not take sides. We stand for it even if it entails abandoning our own arguments.

6) Realizing that all of the above is also up for debate!